thoughts from the weekend

cold winter beach with coloured skies

the pinks, blues and greys draw Little Monkey in

what goes on in that little three year old mind?

when all he wants to do is stand and watch the ocean

is it the magic of the water drawing him in?

or is it a snapshot preview of years to come?

wetsuit zipped up, surf board in hand, watching the sets roll in.

warm snuggles with my girl on cold days

quiet reading with Monkey Boy, (Wind in the Willows is serious business)

a visit from my midwife,

will there ever come a time when there isn’t a golden glow around the door way when she appears?

I don’t think so

sipped hot drinks with Mr Chocolate

and conversations that poke, prod and pull at dreams.

thoughts of how disgusting this lingering cough sounds from the beast virus that felled four of our family

to the untrained ear I’ve either been smoking 4 packs a day for the past 20 years or have contagious stamped all over me

it’s neither, but denial seems futile.

and cheesy toast, oh cheesy toast

how is it  you taste so good?

sourdough, cheese, grill it, a grind of black pepper

you can keep your packet junk foods,

cheesy toast is where it’s at


what’s happening in your weekend?


Spiced Hot Chocolate

hot milk frothed up in a coffee plunger

pinch of cardamom

a shake of cinnamon

enough squares of chocolate to keep you happy, drop them in

sipped with satisfaction

42 thoughts on “thoughts from the weekend

  1. Your cheesy toast looks so delicious and yes, so much better than junk food. Sorry to hear you’ve all been unwell. How awful, especially with this weather. I find when I’ve got the flu or a chesty cough, if I can just get out in the sun for a while I feel so much better. No chance of that with all this rain. At least you have that spiced hot chocolate to make you feel better – very good for raising spirits I’m sure xx


  2. I’m a huge fan of cheese and cracked black pepper too, also with some cooked up pasta. We’re having “melting” cheese on toast almost every day for lunch at the moment – fills the kids up a bit more than vegemite sandwiches during winter time 😀 Mel xx


  3. I’m so glad to have your posts back Brydie 🙂 (Although, please feel free to take any future breaks as needed!) I have a bit of that cough too – it really does seem to linger. I hope yours clears up soon and you get many more hot drinks like this and time with your little ones and Mr Chocolate.


  4. i’ve said it before i know but i’ll say it again..i love your writing..the way you capture the essence of a day or a moment is beautiful..i hope you get well soon brydie..the only consolation is that your little girl is benefitting from all the cold antibodies you’re producing..x


  5. Such lovely photos, and even though we’re in the midst of summer here … (pffffft!) … we’re cold and wet and soggy and grumpy, and I wish I was back in Hawaii with Emma and Ethan … and I need some toasted cheese on sourdough to cheer up … I mean it’s summer, and it’s 9C and pouring rain. (waaaaaaah!) Yes, I need toasted cheese. 🙂


  6. Hi there. Just got back from a whole grey and cold Melbourne week spent nursing my twenty something daughter after she had all her wisdom teeth extracted. Hope it makes you feel a little better to know you’re not the only one in the wars. And get ready for the bleeding obvious – a mothers support and love is always needed. Lots happening for me – hope you recover quickly. Cheers Mariana xx


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