Royal Easter Show

 On a soggy Saturday we headed to the Royal Easter Show. Raincoats, boots and snacks were packed. Monkey Boy had his eye firmly on a ride. Little Monkey wanted to see the cows. Mr Chocolate wanted to see the photography and I wanted to check out the baked goodies section. The Royal Easter Show is a yearly event that brings a little country to the city. There was a smell of roasting corn and hot donuts in the air. People scurried about with their dripping umbrellas and plastic ponchos, running from cover to cover.

With Gortex firmly in hand, (and a camera with a dying battery) we had lots of things to see…

 There were dogs with big ears

 dogs with big ears hidden under shower caps

 There were wonderful fruit and vegetable displays. This year drawing on urban farming and sustainability as a common theme.

 The winning display from S.E QLD. Lots of little details to look at.

There were the ever present surprised looking clowns

 All the usual places to spend a lot of money.

  Some sleek fat bottomed cows.

 the unusual looking spotty chooks

delicious and highly prized fruitcake

 the not so cluey guinea fowls

and at the end of the day, it’s always good to find a warm place and have a little kip.

30 thoughts on “Royal Easter Show

  1. Looks like a great day out. I love those cows. Aren’t they just gorgeous.
    I bet everyone slept well that night.
    We have a similar Show here in October. The animals and baking are certainly the best bits.


  2. We used to go to the Royal Easter Show every year when we lived in Sydney – I do miss it – mostly the Golden Retrievers on the first Sat. and dreaming of living in the country. That small connection each year was great. Well, I think the girls liked it mostly, particularly when the home made sandwiches were eaten and they could then get “bought food”!!


  3. It looks like a county fair, here!
    Although instead of dogs, we have rabbits with long ears and otherwise. 🙂
    I hope the monkeys had much fun on the ride,
    the photographs were all exemplary,
    and you found another inspiration to work on in the baked goods area!


  4. Oh yay, looks like so much fun. My family are down there showing their dorper sheep, you should stop by and introduce yourself. 🙂 Those chooks are so cool. And the pic of babe sleeping is cute.


    • That little pig was the cutest. A little berkshire piglet, that was having the most comfortable snooze. I would have happily tucked him in with a little blanket.
      Next time to meet Ms Anna’s family 🙂


      • Next time indeed girlfriend 🙂 Once we get this winter over, we’ll have to catch up for sure. I hear the sheep are rather taking to the crowds 🙂


  5. Sounds like fun! A shame about the weather, though. The smell walking through the cattle pavilion defines ‘show’ for me. That, and noisy diesel (?) operated rides and the twangy voiceovers in the arcade sections. Sooo…can we expect to hear of you entering some baked goodies in next year’s show? Perhaps a preserve or two? 😉


    • I had actually entertained the idea for a full 5 minutes. I even looked up the rules of entering. Then Little Monkey broke his leg and I forgot all about it. Something a tad smaller might be a little less ambitious though!


  6. I’d love to go the Show. Haven’t been in many years. I really like the display of fruit cakes – my goodness how many were there? Wouldn’t it be just the antz pantz to get a ribbon from here? Now that would be on my Bucket List – a well earned ribbon from the Royal Easter Show. Mind you, I’m short of a ribbon or two from our local agricultural show, but the big shows are the true test of a champion.

    Thanks for the pics – I feel like I’ve been now. Good on you for braving the day and supporting the event. Happy Easter.


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