

For years I thought the only way to live a semi sustainable life, was to live in a house in the country- at the very least a house in the city.

But dreams of a big veggie garden, roaming chooks and using solar panels weren’t coming my way any time soon. We lived in a two bedroom rented unit in the city with three children- what on earth could I do within that kind of setting, towards living a greener, more connected life?

Turns out quite a lot.

Since starting this blog in 2010, you’ll find some of the things that I’ve slowly made a part of our every day life, things that are close to my heart- real food, making, baking, greener choices, photography, permaculture, the written word, simple living and rather a lot of sourdough. While no longer living in a small unit, city living still plays a big role in our lives.

A city girl with hippy tendencies and farm girl aspirations… this is a blog about trying to live a simple connected life, city style.


 If you are keen for a little more, you can also find me over at Brydie Piaf

For a lovely chat I had with Duckfeet try here

or perhaps in between the pages of Earth Garden Magazine

Previous super helpful stuff can also be found via Milkwood  Organic Gardener Mag, PiP Calendar, and Pathways to Family Wellness.

Or you can email me… at cityhippyfarmgirl@gmail.com

24 thoughts on “About

  1. Your blog is excellent! Love how you’re being true to your cool hippy tendencies and farm girl aspirations. I think you’re very fortunate because you have the best of both worlds! 🙂 Your recipes and photos are wonderful. Have an awesome day! 🙂


  2. Thank you for your blog… A haven from the craziness that swirls around us…as Mandy above said, beautiful photos and beautiful thoughts.
    Be still , pause and consider x


  3. Its so interesting to read a different perspective on sustainability. I would love to have you guest post about permaculture in small spaces if you have time…. I have recently been hosting various permaculture guest posts and its been great to have such a range of examples.


  4. Goodie! I read your “About Me” and you could have been writing about me … except the bit where it says “3 children”. I’ve only got the one toddler (and partner) in a two bedroom unit so I now feel rather grateful!! AND since the birth of my little one I’ve had a studio built in the rather large garden to house my infatuation for art and crafts. It’s not very often you get a garden big enough to build something like that if you live in a unit so I feel extra lucky although it has taken away vital space for veggie growing, but I still have enough room for no dig gardens and living. Yes! :0)


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  6. Came across your site through Great Oceans Mag. Love your photos, your lifestyle (relate well) your zest for everything in life – only have email not tw. or f/b.


  7. I was looking for honey (instead of sugar) biscuits for my son when i came across your blog. Only had a brief look at everything else (biscuits are in the oven right now) but i will definitely be back. You seem to have a wonderful view on healthy, homemade tasty food. Im looking forward to lots of cooking.


  8. Your blog is rooted in simplicity and I love that! I can totally relate to the city/farm girl identity crisis, but I’ve embraced it and think the two go together beautifully. And you’ve made a beautiful blog out of it! Taking note of some recipes I want to try… thanks!


  9. So grateful to have stumbled across your gorgeous place of words and insights today – thank you! I too, share the same ‘what am I’ questions having grown up in the country but now live in the inner suburbs of Melbourne – it’s tricky! But we get there 🙂 Love your blog!


  10. I’m going to follow you and read what you have to say because I love the name! I’m a jumble of scenery inside too: I reside in a small town neighborhood association, live in my cowboy boots and jeans, love to camp (in an RV), dream of the country life with goats and rabbits but can’t leave the city conveniences. It’s a good thing I like to travel!


  11. Pingback: Finding my tribe #Brydie at Cityhippyfarmgirl – Greening the Rose

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