tomatoes, a tart and just a smidge of pride

tomatoes || cityhippyfarmgirl

The quietening effect of looking at the tomatoes on the bench even surprised me a little. Eyes slowly scanning over their little green surfaces, searching for that hint of red that would soon burst through. Their tiny foliage hats slowly shrivelling as their connection with the plant in which had shoved them into their small tomatoey glory was now gone.

Unceremoniously yanked out, their yellowing leaves and and wilted limbs telling me it was time. The caterpillars had also moved in, my vigilant watching had wavered and they had seized their opportunity. A greedy multilegged stampede towards the prize line- launching themselves on to the not yet ready fruit. With green tomato stuffed through out their squishy bodies. They would seemingly wave to me in indignation and a last hungry effort as I plucked and squished them off in annoyance.

It was me or them, and I had no intention of it being me. This was my biggest crop this year. No easy feat growing from those small pots in the midst of the concrete city courtyard. No easy feat.

tomato tart || cityhippyfarmgirl

So it was with a smidge of growers pride I made this tart. A simple one, with onions, mozzarella, fetta and those sweet little tomatoes.

Home grown little tomatoes…I salute you.

tomato and fetta tart || cityhippyfarmgirl

Tomato, onion and Fetta Tart


200gms cold butter

2 cups plain flour (300gms)

110gms natural yogurt

In a food processor pulse flour and butter until resembles bread crumbs. Tip out into a bowl and add yogurt. Mix through, a quick knead until a smooth consistency and then roll out pastry on a lightly floured board. Roll to the thickness you want (I find this amount is enough for two large sized tarts, and adding it to a greased tart tray.

as many cherry tomatoes as you have

half a finely chopped spanish onion

about 100g of mozzarella

one small block of crumbled fetta

one sprig of rosemary

Lay all ingredients in a layered fashion until it reaches the top of the pastry sides of the uncooked pastry shell and bake until it smells delicious at 190C.

ripening tomatoes || cityhippyfarmgirl

33 thoughts on “tomatoes, a tart and just a smidge of pride

  1. I salute you small homegrown tomatoes in Serendipitous solidarity. Your Tasmanian brethren are still on the vine holding out against the dreaded caterpillers of doom and so far, so good…I have had a grand total of 4 ripe tomatoes this year. I have a grand total of sevently squillionty two green ones in varying shades of astringent green and a mounting dread about what the heck I am going to do with them all when the weather refuses to play ball for the rest of the autumnal month of march and I am left holding (literally) a tintenabulation of tomatoes with no takers for their verdant greenery…do you reckon you could tart up green tomatoes?!!! I live in fear of Purest Green!


      • Mine aren’t even red tinged…just chartreuse to the max! I might have a go at fermented green tomato salsa. You might see the mushroom cloud from your place (always wanted to be on the news đŸ˜‰ )


  2. You did really well! I do like yoghurt in pastry and pancakes and such; so good for you. We’ve had a bumper crop this year (unlike last year due to rabbits and simple neglect because I had a newborn) and have made frugal quiches and tarts. You really honour that harvest.


  3. Yum! I’m going to try this immediately. I don’t have any home grown tomatoes, because spring has just appeared and I am about to prepare my garden beds…soon there will be tomatoes. It is such a good feeling to grow even a tiny bit of your own food.


  4. congratulations bridie – our first foray into tomatoes this year was a disaster on one scorcher of a day when my tomatoes were indeed scorched – hopefully next year we might get as far as you – the tart looks great


  5. Aahh, memories of tomatoes ripening in the summer sun on the sill, and their smell…delicious! Your tart looks and sounds so complete and tasty. Wish I could cook. Great photos too.


  6. Congratulations! That is certainly an achievement when you have no backyard or garden! I have some cherry tomatoes that are ready to pick and I would like to make your beautiful tart to celebrate them xx


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