three years on

apple shortcake

apple shortcake1

Funny to think this little blog is now three years old. It’s also funny to look back on some of the things I’ve posted about in that three years. Somethings I feel exactly the same about them as I did then, and others, well not so much. I’ve moved on a little, and things have changed round a bit.

I was looking back on my first month of blogging in 2010 and was considering what I had to say back then. I had to chuckle. It was a funny way to start, and while I cringe at some of those first photos I put up, I do like them being there, if even just for my own comedy value.

I also still stand by that very first paragraph I wrote.

“New to the blogging world. I thought I might start one, just to watch my own progression on living as sustainably as possible in an urban environment.  Finding out what works for me and my family and maybe achievable by others also living in a city environment.”

The blog has dipped and weaved a little over that time with topics and content, but living as sustainably as possible for my family and I, is still top priority for me. It’s just as important now as it was then, maybe even more so.

Knowing where my food comes from and what goes into my family’s mouth is just as important.

Being mindful of the choices we make as consumers is also just as important.

Trying to make as many things as possible rather than relying on someone else to do it for me (and is usually a whole lot of fun) is also still really important to me.

Looking back over the last three years, I thought I might revisit one of the first few dishes that I blogged about in my first month. Matthew Evans’ Apple and Blackberry Shortcake. The recipe is here if you are interested in trying it, and I’m hoping my second time picture gives it a bit more credit than the first time I did it. 

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Still thinking on the last three years of blogging- if I hadn’t continued with my blog, I probably wouldn’t…

1/ Have made my sourdough starter

2/ Have continued on the always amazing bread journey that is sourdough

3/ Taken as many photos as I do these days

4/ Have one particular spot to put all my ramblings and musings. Instead there would still be lots of scrappy bits of paper filled with recipes, thoughts, quotes and ideas about the place.

5/ (and best of all…and I know there are still oodles more) I probably wouldn’t have been a part of the wonderful community that blogland can be.


Three years on it was also time for a little shake up on the look of my blog. My theme I had stuck by had long since been retired from the theme options and it seemed there weren’t too may of his clinging on to the blix theme these days. We’ll see how this one works for a bit….


Now, I was trying to think of something little I could do celebrate that fact that it’s been three years flitting about in the land of blog. So what to do?

Send you all a piece of the Apple and Blackberry Shortcake?…but it probably wouldn’t arrive in the same condition that I sent it.

Put together an awesome sponsor given hamper full of all things groovy and gifty….damn, it’s not that kind of blog.

Something beautiful and whimsically handmade?…hmmm, most of my stuff is still kind of on the learning end.

Still thinking, I thought about a card. Most people still like getting a letter, a card or a post card, and I thought, well I can do that!

So if you would like a card or postcard sent from me to you (or to your little people-if you have them- as they loooove getting mail too!…well mine do anyway.) I would love to send you one. Where ever you may be….Alaska, Argentina, Italy or Dubbo. Doesn’t matter where. Just drop me a line at cityhippyfarmgirl at gmail dot com, leave me an address and a card will be on it’s way. (say first five-ish?)

So a big thank you from me to you- the readers and commentators, as without you…well this blog just wouldn’t be the same.

46 thoughts on “three years on

  1. Three years on: there’s been a whole lotta change round these parts, and the world over in that time. And to have a place where you’ve documented and generously shared some of those changes, learning and insights, well, it’s been my privilege to read. I can only imagine the effort, time and consideration that is involved in the creation of your posts. And now the new layout – it really looks great and reads well.

    Here’s to change, growth and difference – thanks so for sharing your expression of them.


  2. You have definitely made a place for yourself in the last 3 years, Brydie!
    I’m always so happy to come here and hear and see what you are doing and have to say!
    I think you have influenced me along the sustainable highway- and I love seeing your little ones!


  3. Congratulations Brydie, Happy Anniversary
    3 blogging years must be equal to about 15 human years, I feel like I have been reading and enjoying your blog forever. I taught myself how to use google reader with your blog, I learned how easy it is to maintain family privacy yet still write an open and straight forward blog AND I made my first sourdough starter – all care of, Thank You.


  4. Happy Blogaversary! I’ve enjoyed getting to know you and your blog. Very inspiring to read about your sustainability journey. Oh, and I can relate to the scrappy bits of paper scenario – mine have all but disappeared too. Musings about holidays and weekend activities are lovely to read back on, I’m sure you’d agree. Here’s a toast to another 3 years! *Clink*


  5. Happy Blogaversary! I’m so glad you’re continuing your journey and it’s always interesting to see how things have progressed over time 🙂 xox


  6. Congratulations Brydie on 3 years of your blog. I’ve greatly enjoyed following your adventures, and feel that I’ve made a friend (although we’ve never met). You have entertained, educated and inspired me. Wishing you continued happiness.
    Keri xx


  7. So glad I was directed your way through my struggles with sourdough and in following your blog I have found so many other and diverse bloggers out there. So long as you enjoy writing, we will enjoy reading. Thank you….. Joy


  8. What a lovely post Brydie – and happy 3 years! I love your posts and also love the variety around those core messages of sustainability, ethics, and good, local produce.

    I’m also pretty fond of the new header – and your photography is an inspiration to me so I hope in another few years I might start to catch up (although, I suspect, never quite get there fully!) 🙂


  9. Oh noooo – I’m probably to late for a card, but I’m gonna try anyway. I’ll write the address of our brand new house. And perhaps you will be our first mail. What a lovely thought, and happy 3 year blog anniversary! (I keep changing my theme all the time.. It’s not good, but I’m never satisfied. Ah..)


  10. You run a beautiful blog here Brydie. Relentlessly cheerful and positive I find it quietly inspiring.

    Lovely little recipes that aren’t too complicated and make me want to try them.

    The reassurance that it needn’t be difficult to buy locally and live a little bit more sustainably.

    And of course where would my sourdough baking journey be without your advice?


  11. Happy Blog birthday 🙂 I think I’ve been reading almost from the beginning (I still remember how excited I was to stumble across your blog) and enjoy stopping by to see what you have been up to. x t.


  12. happy blogiversary – if I didn’t have this blog I wouldn’t be up so ridiculously late and I would have finished my book by now but I do love reading your blog when I squeeze some time in. your photos are just lovely and I love your idea for celebrating your anniversary


  13. I love coming to your sunny little space here Brydie, never sure what sort of thing you’ll be sharing, but always cheered by what I see! I’ve taken your lead and made my own sourdough starter. And now, with that beautiful photo to tempt me, I’m off to see what apply trouble I can get myself into! Happy anniversary Brydie, so glad you’re there! xo


  14. Happy Annie V from me too! It’s been lovely sharing blogworld with you and though my enthusiasm for the process comes and goes, like so many of us, I return mainly because of all the lovely people who I have met like you dear Brydie xxx


  15. Wow, three years…well done that is quite an achievement 🙂
    I have only been following a short time but am thoroughly enjoying your IG journey and your bread always has me drooling at the mouth.
    I have been meaning to email you in regards to having problems with making sour dough but I don’t seem to be able to find an email address for you.


  16. Pingback: Finding my tribe #Brydie at Cityhippyfarmgirl – Greening the Rose

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