My new favourite Pizza

Pizza is always a favourite in this household. Usually a weekly occurrence as without it everyone gets a little toey, and I try and keep the peace.  I wanted something different though, I wanted to stray into unchartered waters. I wanted a different sensation when I chomped down on the weekly favourite. Find it I did. My mouth was happy. My taste buds were saying oh yeaaahh. My brain was saying why the hell didn’t you stray before hand?

My new favourite pizza topping. A little Middle Eastern inspired, and making use of the Labneh.


3 tsp dried yeast

1 tsp sugar

mix together with 200 mls luke warm water- leave until froths (approx 20 mins)

600gms cups strong flour

1 tsp salt

Mix together in a bowl and slowly add the yeast liquid, mixing as you go. Add

4 tbs olive oil

When combined, knead for approx 10 minutes until, dough is elastic. Leave for 1 hour or until dough has double in size.

Light knead again, and divide into 8 balls. Flatten, and dough is ready to be rolled out, or if you are feeling extra lazy- hand stretch it. (Rustic is good.) If there is too much dough, simply roll balls and freeze until next time.


english spinach




olive oil



Cook up good size bunch of english spinach, squeeze out excess liquid and leave. Once  you have flattened the dough, spread a really small amount of mozzerella, scatter cooked spinach, and add some finely chopped garlic. Scatter pinenuts, dust with a little cumin and cook in oven at 220C until golden. Add dollops of Labneh, and drizzle with olive oil.

Eat with GUSTO.

The Monkeys were not going to go for the spinach on their pizzas though, so a Monkey friendly one was made as well. Utter silence, except for …”mmm, slurp, mmm…” Easy small kid dinner. (Tomatoes, salami, mozzerella, they don’t want excitement when it comes to their Monkey pizzas.)

14 thoughts on “My new favourite Pizza

  1. Looking good (Brydie, is it ok if I call you this?) – really good! I’m drooling over your Middle Eastern inspired creation. Garlic on pizzas is a favourite of mine too, and I’m loving the addition of the pinenuts and labneh!


  2. Amy- it does taste good on there doesn’t it. A life without garlic would be quite dull.

    Lejay- I think when you are pregnant and your taste buds are going crazy is so funny. Everything tastes sooo amazing (it did for me anyway.) It was a bit gutting when I had a date scone non-pregnant to find it was just a dry old date scone and not the delicious piece of gods work that I thought it had been while pregnant.

    Kristi- Thanks for reading. I’m not sure why it had taken me so long as well…

    Thanks Alisa- I had to resort to the yucky old flash, so wasn’t sure.

    Celia- Homemade pizza just doesn’t even compare does it… (actually unless you have it at Napoli in Bocca in Haberfield, and then that one wins!)

    Christine- Brydie is fine 🙂 I forgot to write a sprinkling of cumin as well, so just added that, and it does need a little salt for the spinach, but I think this one will be made regularly for awhile.


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  4. Was a coincidence reading your post straight after I’d finished kneading my pizza dough and left it to rest!

    I’ve used a bit of sourdough starter in mine as I’ve never tried it before. Fingers crossed, although the toppings are going to be a bit of a thrown together job with leftovers.

    Ordered my mixer this week. Nothing will stop me baking soon….


  5. What a great idea 🙂 I’m always keen on new pizza toppings (it’s a favourite of ours too) so will be tucking this away for future reference. It’s such an easy and versatile dinner option, it’s nice to know the options are near limitless for mixing things up.


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