Call of the Ocean

seagulls || cityhippyfarmgirlcityh and the sea || cityhippyfarmgirl

city and the sea || cityhippyfarmgirlcity and the sea || cityhippyfarmgirl

grey beginnings || cityhippyfarmgirl

 the untamed wilds of the ocean, she calls

26 thoughts on “Call of the Ocean

  1. Brydie- these photos are amazing! You just keep getting better and better- these are magazine quality. Except soon there will be no more magazines, I fear!
    I have been hearing this call from the Atlantic- gotta go to the shore sometime soon!


  2. A soft mood, enticing, calling! Those gulls and that most interesting caterpillar-looking thingy are my faves of this little collection. B+W suits very well. 🙂


  3. Gallery quality pictures I think! Love the top one with the seagulls. And even though we are hours away from the nearest salty water, I occasionally feel the pull!


  4. Your photos are amazing Brydie, it’s the type of photography that I love. I could stare at them for ages….hope you have a lovely weekend 🙂 Mel x


  5. I love the photo of the posts and rippled water – it looks like something could jump right out of the water! I wrote a similar post about the call of the ocean not long ago – what is it about the sea that draws us?


  6. I have learned that I can’t live away from a body of water. I tried…it didn’t work. I was diminished. I need to be able to at least see the water at some point in my day and as a woman my cycles direct me like the ebb and flow of the tide. We might not be next to the sea but our river water is salty and last year we had a whale and her calf visit our little patch of the river. Thankyou for sharing these lovely images 🙂


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