so long summer

summer- cityhippyfarmgirlafternoon light || cityhippyfarmgirl

sea pools || cityhippyfarmgirl

And just like that summer was gone.

No drawn out goodbyes, and long lingering looks back.

The windows are now lowered as the cooler dusk air sneaks in.

A quiet goodbye to the carefree summer bare-feet,

next summer those same small bare-feet will be bigger.

The warm early morning starts that have you throwing open back doors,

the kitchen air still thick from the heat of the day before.

So long summer, with your long golden lit afternoons,

and to the melodic cicadas singing their songs.

Farewell to the invitingly warm sea pools,

with their noisy jostling swimmers.

The pools once more reclaimed,

by those that don’t fear the sharp coolness of the water.

Until next time summer,

so long.

29 thoughts on “so long summer

  1. Cheers to Summer 2013-2014. What a beautiful tribute to a season. Thanks. Many Autumn bring beautiful colours, the aroma of new growth, and fogs that roll out to sunshine.


  2. Our weather has made a sudden (and, truthfully, much appreciated) bid for autumn too this week. It is dark at 7pm, cool enough for long sleeves in the evening, and over this side of the country we are throwing windows open instead of barring them against the sun 🙂 Lovely photos and words xo


    • Kari, I think the west has had such a brutal summer this year no wonder you are relishing it. Sydney amazingly really did miss out on the summer extremes that so many other places had. Thankful for that!


  3. A beautiful ode to Summer. Three dangily legs (and cutest) the perfect seasonal image. I will miss the shrill of cicadas, my big one collected not only their shells but caught live ones gently.


  4. This is beautiful Brydie. Such poignant words and stunning photographs… I found myself lingering over each one just so I could study the sunlight. Ah, yes. Goodbye to Summer for another year, hello to slow-cooking, warm jumpers and nights by the fire. I do love Winter but I also bid Summer a sad goodbye every year… I stay outside every evening until the rain and cold start beckoning me in xx


    • It’s funny the difference in light the seasons have. It’s something I never used to notice but really enjoy it now. Another week and day light saving will end, and the light once more will shift.
      Enjoy those evening moments Laura. x


  5. It arrived here today 🙂 sort of, sandals, shirt, toes out for the first time since goodness knows when. Must be your summer that has sneaked off… so the answer is… be like the Arctic Tern and follow the summer wherever it goes, loved your prose poem and the photos Brydie ! xx


  6. Arivaderci summer and hopefully you are a long time coming back! I am completely enamoured of autumn and all of its cooler, more precipitous possibilities and watching the brilliantly coloured leaves fall from the trees and nature tucking herself in for winter, collecting wood for the wood burning stove and knowing that soon the house will be toasty and warm (this time delightfully so rather than “I am sticking my head in the fridge!” so…) and redolent with the scent of baking. We can plant out trees and they might just have a chance of surviving and we suddenly learn the true value of wool all over again…No wistful goodbyes to summer here on Serendipity Farm but a “hail hearty good fellow!” To autumn/winter and all that they entail 🙂


  7. You make me long for heat and that is unusual indeed! I wish winter would take the hint and leave so graciously- but no like an unwanted overdue guest it just lingers on and on.
    Beautiful post!


  8. Spring here. Daffs and tulips and spring cabbages and pansies, chives, and birds returning, lawn mowers clouding the air with fumes, children playing outside again, and sunset long after dinner dishes are washed and put away. Love it!


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