A Cup of Tea with Me

tea and a read- cityhippyfarmgirl

tea- cityhippyfarmgirl

I had the day all planned out. It would start with tea, chai to be exact. Two pots worth, and it couldn’t be a rushed thing. Some writing, a lazy eye over the weekends paper, followed by a swim. Back home for another cup of tea, something herbal this time. Perhaps a little gingery zing to kick things along for the day.

I’d now curl my legs around me, choose from one of my many unfinished books, balance it a little precariously along side my tea cup and read until the heat started to penetrate the lounge rooms blinds.

A brief stop for a light salady lunch, and a flick through this beautiful and inspiring new magazine of the sea while I ate.

Coffee would be made and along with it a lengthy phone call to a good friend. Friendship rekindled and two cups worth would be sipped while doing so. I would then make the strenuous shift moving from the kitchen table to the cool dark of the bedroom.

After two coffees I probably wouldn’t want a little midday siesta but was certainly open to the idea if one came up. Stretched out over the whole queen sized space I would then take the chance to read from my new ipad library. I would ignore the grubby little finger prints from small sized people and instead revel in the fact that I had now clocked up at least 8 hours of reading time on this most glorious of summer days.

At this point I would probably contemplate popping the kettle on once more and choose from my impressive range of herbal teas. Tea once more would be supped and with it a change of perspectives. The bedroom, to the couch, to the kitchen table. It was a tough choice but I knew regardless, my tea would be by there by my side.

In seemingly small blink of the eye, the whole day will have dissolved in a blur of reading choices, tea cups, (and realistically multiple trips to the toilet.) It was indeed a well planned day.


tea for one- cityhippyfarmgirl

In absence of ever, ever having a day like this one. (Having three small children ensures that my reading times are heavily locked in at two minute increments, and tea generally sipped on the fly.) I am linking in with the wonderful Pip Lincolne of Meet Me At Mikes for a tea party, A Cup of Tea with Me party.

The kettles hot. There is tea to choose from and if you can find a biscuit that hasn’t been nibbled on by a particular small person, you’re more than welcome to it. Sit down, take your shoes off.

A Cup of Tea with Me

Sunny greetings to those that are new to this space and those that regularly drop in. My name is Brydie, a city mama of three trying to balance a simple life, city style.

I’m a person who likes to dream of curling into a tight cat like ball and reading for 3 hours straight. I also like writing at 5am, it’s the magic hour for so many things.

Someone who feels at peace watching stormy dark clouds tumble over a horizon, while simultaneously keeping eagle eyes on three children that move at the speed of light, (usually towards another horizon.)

A girl who likes nothing better than listening to the sing of a sourdough loaf straight from the oven. Who marvels at the sprouting goodies on the kitchen window sill, thinks naturally fermented foods are the bees knees and dreams of cake creations by night.

The same girl who gets inspired by the smallest of smalls to the biggest of big. I can never tell where a tiny idea will sprout from next.

Someone who also yearns to know more about, well pretty much everything. But throw words like, sourdough, permaculture, upcycling, handmade, fermented and I’m all yours.

I’m also inspired by a whole bunch of these rockin’ women who I was lucky enough to meet through Pip. Like Rachael who makes me laugh and takes pictures that are so beautifully magazine worthy. Helen whose Friday Feminism posts I adore and Dear Moo whom I would happily scratch behind the ears if only to get just a little closer to those stunning crochet creations. And oh so many more of these absolutely amazingly creative women.

Have a peek over here for more A Cup of Tea with Me chats.


32 thoughts on “A Cup of Tea with Me

  1. What an adorably post, and gorgeous photographs. It feels like I’m sitting right there having a cup of tea with you. Thank you for mentioning us. I’m so glad you enjoy my crochet creations and Moo’s “input”. xxx


  2. Discovered you when checking our web feed. Thanks for mentioning us on your beautiful blog. I hope one day the country comes to you with a splash of salt spray just down the road.


      • My pleasure entirely Brydie. Hopefully the new edition, which hits the stores next Thursday, will accompany a few more afternoon brews and perhaps launch the odd daydream.


  3. I was chuckling to myself as it dawned on me —- wait a minute it’s the middle of winter not a warm summer day (or maybe that’s just cuz it’s close to freezing here and I am missing the warmth of a lovely cup of tea). Great post and pictures. Thanks Byrdie! 🙂


  4. My mugs (buckets) of tea are probably the only thing that keeps me grounded. A simple ritual. A preparation of heredity passed down from mother to daughter and something that can be recreated at 3am in a dark kitchen as easily as waking up or falling asleep. Tea is part of me that I point blank refuse to give up. Not negotiable! 😉


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