
bunting picnic

It was the perfect antidote to a pretty stressful week. A celebration of our city living community. A chance to get together, share food, swap stories, let the kids run loose and put all my worrying tiring thoughts on pause for the afternoon. I needed that.

It had been awhile since the last one. With Autumn’s Equinox and the tail end of a Sydney summer- it seemed like a good excuse for a laden food table and a chance to watch some colourful bunting flutter gently in the breeze.

Thankfully, it takes very little to get a great bunch of people together. A group email invitation to a chosen loved spot. Invitations to invite other friends along with them, and suddenly there is a big bunch of lovely people. Ukuleles, hula hoops, bare feet and rampant yodeling are always actively encouraged at these sorts of things. This is what makes living a busy life, in a small space, in a bustling city… ok. Actually it’s more than ok, it makes it wonderful.


26 thoughts on “picnic

  1. Some times I think , you really don’t need to move to the country Brydie….it always feels like you have made that ‘country feel’ just where you are. Love the way city people make such great use of their natural spaces and embrace them with such enthusiasm.


    • So many of us live in smaller spaces these days, so the huge open green space of a wonderful park is a natural enticement. We’re incredibly lucky to live close by to this space as it’s a good backyard alternative.


  2. Oh you have everything today. Pashmac cupcakes, gorgeous pictures and fun fun friends. I just love the trees in the background of your picture they are my favourite and make me feel very happy


  3. hurrah for community! we went to a local community festival this weekend and it was nice not just to see our friend we had arranged to meet but also to bump into others we had not expected to see. and hurrah for you for bringing people together and making your own community – autumn is the perfect time for such gatherings and your food looks lovely


  4. Just wonderful pictures as always and it doesn´t seem that you live in the city…. not at all!!!
    We´re entering autumn here but as the weather is mild we can stil be outside and enjoy our “patio”.
    Have a nice week!


  5. I hope you have a better week Brydie, and I’m glad you found an antidote to a bad week- it looks like you had a great time 🙂


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