the colourful season


beetrootrosemary chilli

So many good things are in season at the moment-summer really is the season of colourful plenty.

Delivered vegetable boxes are colourful and full of things that challenge my culinary skills, (yes, that still includes beetroot…)

My window boxes are cheery, and garden growings include an abundance of chilli this year. My teeny tiny potted garden is happy to grow chilli, and I’m happy that it’s happy to do that! The rosemary is also happy, which really does make a difference to a pan of roasting potatoes. (Also makes a well scented haven for any critters that decide to take up residence.)

Tomatoes, look I still get ambitious but they really don’t work for me in pots. Needs a whole lot more sun than I can offer them and when they finally do decide to give it a crack, some overly confident grub usually marches in at the crucial moment.

Some other seasonal goodies to look out for at this time

* plums, peaches, passionfruit

* broccoli, basil, beans

*potatoes, peas and onions


Where ever you are, what are you enjoying this season?


45 thoughts on “the colourful season

  1. My balcony herb garden is flourishing with basil, coriander, chives, dill and parsley…but nothing, and I mean nothing, seems to do as well as the robust mint which happily threatens to overtake my walkway. So I’m enjoying mint in my water, mint in my salads, mint in my fruit salads – I’m absolutely minting it!


  2. In damp and rainy and foggy Oregon we’re enjoying kale and spinach and sweet potatoes and yams and butternut squash and seeing the colorful fragrant bounty of Southern Hemisphere gardens like yours Brydie! Ahhh you lucky girl, enjoy!


  3. Enjoying dreaming about spring- planning the garden, planting the seeds, watching the sprouts- eating lots of winter squash (acorn, butternut), frozen corn and green beans from last summer’s crop- making potato/leek soup and baking a pizza.


  4. Lovely photos indeed! I have been thinking of getting a veggie box delivery over winter- I like the idea of veggie surprises 🙂


    • I’ve come and gone with the box a bit over the last couple of years, but for the moment it’s still convenient for me to get it delivered. It certainly makes cooking a little easier as meals are based around what is in season and given to me, rather than what I’m deciding to buy. I do like a surprise veggie that challenges me, especially the winter ones!


    • Green bountiful kitchen garden, full of an abundance of seasonal good things. Climbing vines, weighted fruit trees, roaming chooks, sleeping root vegetables and rampant strawberries…*sigh* I wish I had a proper garden too!


  5. Our soil is longing for rain! The grey cracked earth almost sparks when the blade of my spade or hoe hits it. Mid summer here, and I am very excited about autumn getting nearer each day. Will start collecting manure, straw and compost to build my garden beds for a lush and vibrant veggie garden! Look out friends, leafy greens and crunchy veg coming your way!


  6. My garden is just a wee bit burnt. I am hoping the tomatoes may recover but even with shade cloth over them, I fear they are going to hang on but never give me fruit. I’m sorry to hear yours have the opposite problem!

    Your pictures here are beautiful 🙂


  7. What are we enjoying this season? – in the garden we have basil, zuchini , and oodles of tomatoes ( which are presently sitting in the slow cooker making a pizza sauce). Our fruit trees have been too dry to fruit mostly as we haven’t been able to keep the water up to them – so we have been getting a fruit box delivery from the local organic shop .


  8. Mangoes, mangoes and more mangoes. I can smell them as I type; a huge tray sits on my table. I can honestly say, I’m over them for this season; they were so abundant this year it was ridiculous.
    Your photo’s are great Brydie; looks like you’re getting the best from your features on the camera.


  9. I have nothing in the garden but burnt grass. I walked out to the clothes line last week and burnt my feet….. on grass! I love those photos and your love for life


  10. I love my garden too! I have most of the veges you have photographed but yours certainly look to be doing better than mine. Although my beetroot is rather large. Definitely time to pick!
    Gorgeous blog:) Happy 3 years too 🙂


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