eggs two ways- Frugal Friday

Eggs are always a quick and easy thing to prepare. Cool or warm weather, these little fellas are easily adaptable to what ever your taste buds fancy.

For warmer weather or an easy lunch try and egg salad. Dictated by what’s in season, what’s in the fridge and pretty much what you fancy eating.

Egg Salad

boiled eggs




parmesan shavings

olive oil

Baked Eggs

In a baking dish add some tomato passata or left over pasta sauce. This one was a eggplant and zucchini pasta sauce. Make some slight hollows and crack the eggs in. Bake at 200 until golden. If you like your eggs still runny, bake until just the whites are cooked. Serve with some crusty bread.

17 thoughts on “eggs two ways- Frugal Friday

  1. Those look marvelous!
    I also like baked eggs in a polenta cup with a shaving of a nice hard cheese on top. Mmm!
    Looks like Friday’s frugal meal for us tomorrow, too!


  2. It makes me want to hide some of our eggs in the fridge so I can boil them (fresh eggs don’t boil well.) I’ve never had them baked, but it looks like something I’d like over some nice sourdough bread.


  3. eggplants and zucchini pasta sauce? interesting. recipe?? will copy the baked eggs thingy very soon.


  4. Loved the baked eggs! Wow, thanks for the recipe idea! we’ve found a lovely source of fresh eggs recently and I’ve been poaching away, but these look so inviting – I must try them 🙂 Ever since we were told that eggs weren’t so bad for your cholesterol as they thought (at one point they were saying don’t eat more than two a week here in the UK) we have been eating lots more 😀


  5. Baked eggs are great – I love adding some spicy chorizo to the sauce mix, baking it and serving it up with fresh bread. That said I’ve also overbaked the eggs on occasion and rubbery is not a good way to present this dish…

    Yummy looking salad – I don’t think you’re a fan of anchovies but they’re good with eggs too.


  6. I love baked eggs! I’ve not had it in ages thanks for the reminder! Frugal indeed especially when they come from your own hens 🙂 I really love your frugal Friday posts.


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