the little people

 too much

 keeper of the tomatoes

 tea for one

 little gardener

hot stepping with the marmalade

 onion farmer


Oodles of inspiration from here

Winding, glueing, primping, sewing

Tummy’s and hair from these guys

Making these little people was ridiculously fun

29 thoughts on “the little people

  1. Oh, I LOVE them! I could have a whole bunch of little people hiding and doing their jobs all over the house. Like the Doozers on Fraggle Rock! I’d have one to turn the pages on my book at night, when it’s too cold to reach my hand out…


  2. I have Limeblossom the well travelled little person who fell down a rabbit hole and ended up in England. She is adorable ! Do you think they naturally find their way to the kitchen ?


  3. Hazel says hi from her little vantage point on the windowsill overlooking the daily happenings on the street below. She’s much adored as her brethren no doubt are. Special folk indeed.


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