a little thank you

I would like to say thank you.

It has been a whole year since I started this blog. Started perhaps a little ambitiously, (as I had only ever read two blogs before.)  A place where I have cooked, reminisced, gone exploring, mused, waffled, and baked. The thrill of getting my first comment, the frowning over should I really write that? The fun of taking photos and actually having somewhere to put them rather then hidden away in the computer, (they don’t even get printed these days.) The joy of baking my first sour dough loaf, and the constant amazement that there are so many wonderful people out there that have taken time out of their day to read my little blog.

The lovely people I have met, communicated and connected with.

A wonderful virtual community of people that have made me laugh, made me think, inspired me, bowled me over with their kindness, and on the odd time made me cry. People that have taken the time to write a comment.

I would like to say thank you.

Thank you for making my past year in blog land a truly inspiring, funny, thought provoking and amazing place to be.

Thank you all.


* To all those who are interested the Master List of all the wonderful auctions going on for the QLD Flood Appeal is now up. For my auction, see here.

22 thoughts on “a little thank you

  1. I am happy to come along for the ride. I love your blog. I didn’t know what a blog was when I started mine. I really enjoy it and love the blogging community. I feel as though I have made dozens of new and interesting friends. Keep up the good work.


  2. Blogging is connecting so many people and its really important – especially in these days when people are a lot more isolated from their communities – and you’re right, its so great to have somewhere to put photos for others to see! Happy 1st anniversary!, Sonya


  3. Happy Blogiversary!
    I haven’t been blogging for too long, either- but I don’t think you need that much experience to share your interest and friendliness and recipes with others!
    Thank YOU, Brydie- for your open and lovely heart and sense of what is right. I’m so glad I’ve met you!


  4. Congratulations on this bloggy milestone! I have spent many happy moments reading your thoughts and drooling at your marvelous pictures! The blog world really is an amazing place to be. 🙂


  5. Happy blogiversary dear Brydie, I’m also a newbie blogster & when I started (months after you) I had no idea there was such a wonderfully warm friendly sharing caring community of foodies ‘out there’ – I am so pleased to have connected up with you & your blog, I love popping on over & seeing what your up to and you girl have made some amazing strides with your cooking & sourdough making, excited what your 2nd year will bring too.


  6. Happy blogiversary dear Brydie!
    I’m only new to your blog but I love it. I actually am very surprised to hear you’ve only been at it for a year. Can’t wait to see what your second year holds.


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